Making a Positive Impact

My Commitment to a Better World

I believe that we all have a responsibility to use our skills and resources to make the world a better place. As Uncle Ben told Peter Parker, “With great power comes great responsibility.” This philosophy guides my work and my commitment to social and environmental impact.

Supporting Community Development and Financial Empowerment

I am dedicated to strengthening my local community through my volunteer work with Action for Boston Community Development (ABCD). As an event staff member, I contribute to the organization’s various programs and initiatives aimed at improving the lives of Boston residents. Additionally, as a volunteer tax preparer with the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program and the City of Boston’s Tax Help Coalition, I help low-income individuals and families file their taxes accurately and claim valuable credits and deductions, empowering them to achieve greater financial stability.

Fighting Hunger and Food Waste

Food insecurity and food waste are critical issues that affect millions of people globally. I am deeply committed to addressing these challenges through my volunteer work at the Greater Boston Food Bank. Several times a week, I dedicate my time to sorting and packing food, ensuring that nutritious meals reach families in need throughout Eastern Massachusetts.

Empowering Women in the Hospitality Industry

As a Project Manager for Speed Rack, an all-female bartending competition, I have been proud to support the empowerment of women in the hospitality industry since 2014. This organization has raised over $1 million for breast cancer charities and provided a platform for talented female bartenders to showcase their skills and gain recognition. My role in managing local volunteers and ensuring smooth event production in cities like Chicago, Boston, Washington DC, New York, and London has been a rewarding way to contribute to this important cause.

Caring for Vulnerable Animals

My passion for animal welfare led me to volunteer at the Best Friends Animal Society‘s Kitten Nursery in New York. There, I received training in neonatal kitten care and provided critical support to the most vulnerable kittens, ensuring they had the best chance of survival. I continue to foster kittens at home, providing them with love, care, and socialization until they are ready for adoption. This also means I literally know how to heard cats.

My Vision for the Future

My commitment to positive impact extends beyond my professional life. I believe that even small actions can make a big difference. Whether it’s volunteering my time, supporting charitable organizations, or simply being mindful of my own consumption habits, I strive to make choices that contribute to a more equitable and sustainable world.

I am passionate about using my skills in strategy, design, and behavioral science to create solutions that address complex social and environmental challenges. I envision a future where businesses and organizations are not only profitable but also purpose-driven, creating positive change in the communities they serve.

If you share my passion for creating positive impact, I invite you to reach out and explore how we can collaborate to create a better future for all.