
Crafting My Unique Path to Innovation & Impact

I’m Haley Forest, a strategy and innovation consultant with an eclectic background and an insatiable curiosity about how people think, feel, and make decisions. My journey has taken me from the bustling kitchens of the culinary world to the boardrooms of global corporations, and I’ve learned a thing or two about what makes businesses tick along the way.

A Unique Blend of Experience

My professional journey is a testament to my belief that diverse experiences fuel creativity and innovation. I started my professional life in the culinary arts and hospitality industry, where I mastered the art of crafting memorable experiences and building strong teams. This foundation in human-centered service and operational efficiency has profoundly shaped my approach to consulting.

Later, I transitioned into the world of business strategy and consulting, where I immersed myself in data analysis, market research, and organizational development. This experience provided me with a strategic toolkit and a deep understanding of the complex challenges businesses face in today’s ever-changing landscape.

Throughout my career, I have always been fascinated by the human element of business. This led me to pursue advanced studies in Leadership Psychology and Neuropsychology, where I gained a deeper understanding of how people think, feel, and make decisions. Today, I leverage this expertise to create user-centered solutions that resonate with your target audience, drive engagement, and deliver meaningful results.


My academic journey reflects my commitment to continuous learning and interdisciplinary exploration:

William James College: Currently, I am pursuing a Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) in Leadership Psychology at William James College, with a specialization in the Neuroscience of Leadership. I am particularly fascinated by the neuropsychological underpinnings of creativity. My research interests include exploring individual differences in creative expression, developing strategies to enhance creativity as a trainable skill, and understanding how teams can leverage diverse creative styles to drive innovation.

Hult International Business School: My time at Hult International Business School was a transformative experience that equipped me with a diverse skillset and a global perspective. I completed two master’s programs:

  • Master of Business Administration (MBA): This program provided me with a solid foundation in business strategy, leadership, finance, marketing, and operations, with a particular focus on innovation and change management. I delved into the psychology of decision-making and the power of data-driven insights, equipping me with the tools to drive organizational transformation and growth. I was an active member of the Women in Power Club and participated in the Hult Prize competition.
  • Master of International Marketing: This program deepened my understanding of consumer behavior, brand management, and digital marketing strategies. I gained practical experience in new product innovation, marketing analytics, and customer relationship management (CRM). I was also involved in the Women in Business and Nutrition & Wellbeing clubs, as well as Hult Entrepreneurs.

San Francisco State University: I graduated with a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Hospitality Administration/Management. This highly regarded program provided a comprehensive business education, combined with specialized knowledge in wine and food history, nutrition, and menu costing. During my time at SFSU, I gained hands-on experience working in the university’s white-tablecloth restaurant, where I worked directly under the Head Chef and mentored other students, further solidifying my passion for the culinary arts and hospitality industry.

Le Cordon Bleu London: I completed the intensive Grand Diplôme program in Cuisine and Pastry, graduating second in my class. As one of only five students to complete the intensive program, I gained a mastery of culinary techniques and a deep understanding of flavor profiles. I also served as the Experiential Event Manager for a collaborative class project, transforming a classroom into a fully operational restaurant, showcasing my leadership and project management skills.

Ongoing Learning:

I am passionate about staying at the forefront of my field and regularly take courses on SkillShare and Coursera, including Artificial Intelligence Ethics in Action (LearnQuest), Consumer Neuroscience and Neuromarketing (Copenhagen Business School), and Advertising and Society (Duke University).

The Power of Behavioral Science

I firmly believe that behavioral science holds the key to unlocking new levels of innovation and growth. By understanding the subtle nuances of human behavior, we can design products, services, and experiences that truly connect with people on an emotional level. This approach goes beyond simply meeting needs; it anticipates desires, shapes perceptions, and fosters lasting relationships.

My Commitment to Positive Impact

I am deeply committed to using my skills and expertise to create positive change in the world. Whether it’s designing a product that enhances people’s lives, developing a strategy that promotes sustainability, or leading a change initiative that empowers employees, I strive to make a meaningful difference.

I believe that businesses have a unique opportunity to shape a better future. By aligning their goals with the needs and aspirations of their customers, employees, and communities, they can not only achieve financial success but also contribute to a more equitable and sustainable world.

Following my curiosity since 1986.

How I describe myself…

I’m peppy & risk-tolerant. Understanding the difference between what I can change and what I can’t is a skill I’ve crafted over time. I ran theatres and restaurants and, therefore, can fix just about anything with duct tape & a butter knife. I believe teams function best through empowerment, but it’s worth recognizing that not everyone can do every role and not everyone can work independently.

Above all else, I love learning. Knowledge excites me. I fully expect to continue learning more about everything, passing on information gleaned as I gather it up because a rising tide raises all boats.

Let’s Connect!

If you’re looking for a partner who can help you navigate complex challenges, drive innovation, and create a positive impact, I invite you to reach out. Let’s explore how we can work together to transform your business and shape a brighter future.